I heart Spokane!

Spokane is a small town with a huge writing community. Spokane is home to Jess Walter, Sharma Shields, Shann Ray, Asa Marie Bradley, Mary Cronk Farrell, Trent Reedy, Shawn Vestal, Sam Ligon, Kelly Milner Halls, Chris Crutcher, Stephanie Oakes, John Bladek, Claire Rudolph Murphy, Megan Nuttall Sayres, Rachel Toor, Simeon Mills, Beth Cooley, and the list goes on and on.
Kelly Milner Halls: Amazing writer and friend!
And that doesn’t even touch upon the poetry community here! Spoken Word Poetry culture in Spokane is on fire, as is the more conventional poetry community. If you haven’t already, check out Ellen Welcker, Tim Greenup, Mark Anderson, Lauren Gilmore, Kathryn Smith, Thom Caraway, Laurie Lamon, Dan Butterworth, Maya Zeller…again, there are too many to list. The Washington State Poet Laureate, Tod Marshall, lives here, and we are on our second Spokane Poet Laureate, Laura Read. This town is a literary oasis in the middle of the Eastern Washington wheat fields of the Palouse.
Brooke Matson & Jess Walter show support for the book at Spark Central!
One of the reasons our literary community is so strong is that we’ve gotten tremendous support from the local press, primarily The Inlander and the Spokesman Review. I have definitely felt overwhelming support from them, and I’m so grateful. Here are some nice things they wrote about me…
Carolyn Lamberson in The Spokesman Review